- Lovely Time With Chloe -
$ 600 1 Hour In Miu
$ 800 90 Min In Miu
$ 800 1 Hour Out Miu
$ 1200 90 Min Out Miu
$ 1800 3hour Dinner Date + Fun
$ 4000 Over Night Date, ask me

My rates reflect my time commitment ONLY. Should anything occur that is strictly the decision between two consenting adults and is not being contracted nor compensated for My fees are for my TIME and COMPANIONSHIP only.
Any attempt to discuss my donation or illegal activity upon my arrival will prompt me to leave.
Contacting me with an interest to meet me means that you have reviewed my website in its entirety, and you agree to the terms in place.
*As each FMTY destination is Specific, Please contact me directly for details on overnight and weekend getaway.
I recommend you reserve a date with me as far in advance as possible
I will meet you in your city
~ FLY Me To You or Exclusive arrangement
12 Hour Dinner Date / Overnight $ 6,000 -
- 24 Hour Mini Trip Getway $ 10,000 -
- Two Days of Incredible Fun $ 12,000 -​​
- 1 month Deluxe with Chloe miu $ 30,000 -